Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Thought

I thought it would be a while before we started our next adoption.

I thought our next child would be from Ethiopia.

I thought we would use our previous and familiar agency.

I thought we would adopt a child with a correctable or at least manageable special need like HIV.

I thought I was prepared to say yes to almost anything.

I thought an addition of another child would not significantly alter our comfortable lives.

I thought we would end up joining my sister’s family in Ethiopia someday.

I thought my child would have to fit in that box.

I know that our lives will never be the same.

I know that is a good thing.

I know that my life is not my own.

I know that our little girl is an incredible gift and we are amazingly blessed!

I know that I cannot wait to bring our daughter home and to give her the opportunity to become all that God has created her to be.

I know that God continually amazes me by giving hope at the right times, alleviating fears, and connecting us to people.

I know that even though my plans have all come crashing down, I can rejoice in the new direction our life has taken because God is writing this story and His plans are infinitely better than I could ever imagine.

Many are the plans in a man’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21

1 comment:

Brooke said...

LOVE IT!! Oh so true and so beautiful! Blessings dear friend!